Riley Donovan is a white supremacist

Stop publishing his awful writing

Slight departure from our usual programming: Riley Donovan from Salt Spring Island is a white supremacist, and Canadian news organizations should stop giving him a platform.

Donovan first came to my attention when the Vancouver Sun published a few of his anti-housing opinion pieces. I did some cursory Googling and quickly found out that the guy is a literal white supremacist. This post documents a lot of his writing for the “Council of European Canadians”, and it’s pretty gross, with titles like:

  • The Future of Euro-Canadians Is In The Countryside
  • Calling on the Euro-Canadian Movement: Join the PPC and Advance White Identity in Canada
  • Why Muslims Can’t Assimilate to Canada
  • A White Canada is Good for Natives and Nature

That first post has since been scrubbed from the Internet Archive (!) but I read it at the time, and jesus:

“Vancouver is minority white… The large number of students at the many elementary schools, high schools, and at the University of British Columbia are subjected to a continuous stream of anti-white indoctrination. Take a walk through UBC campus and you’ll see a huge number of mixed race couples; the result of globalist brainwashing.” -Riley Donovan

For more context, see the Reddit Vancouver post that was on top of the subreddit for at least a day.

Riley’s writing is no longer quite so overtly racist; he’s since toned it down and occasionally has opinion pieces published by newspapers across Canada. And he’s quite explicit about this being an intentional strategy:

There is no middle ground on the coming culture war over the Great Replacement. If we lose, the West will have accepted the Great Lie, the idea that white countries becoming non-white is harmless, helpful, and a white nationalist conspiracy theory.

How can you help expand the Overton Window further?

Ask all the independent newspapers in magazines in your area whether they might want you as a culture/current events columnist. You couldn’t go all the way with the full truth, but you could push the envelope by offering reasoned critiques of multicultural initiative in local schools and so on.

I think this is bad, and Canadian newspapers should stop publishing opinion pieces by a literal white supremacist.


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