Category: Todo-Macro

Stupid Rust Tricks

Enforcing deadlines with a macro

Rust has a really powerful macro system. You can use it to do great things safely… or you can have fun with it and quickly prototype coding productivity features. I chose the latter.

todo-macro is a procedural Rust macro that stops compiling after a user-specified deadline. It’s like TODO comments, but with teeth. It’s probably best explained with an example:

Using todo-macro

It’s January 1, 2020. I’m working on some Rust code that compiles, but it’s not quite ready to ship.

I want to take a break, but I know myself – I’ll probably forget about the deficiency. I could add a TODO comment, but that depends on me actively searching for TODO comments next time I open the project.

To save me from myself, I add a quick todo macro with a deadline of January 2 (in ISO 8601 format):

// Implement the timeout handling

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